
Food Chemistry and Nutrition: A Comprehensive Treatise

$69.496 CLP

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Food chemistry plays a vital role in food industry because it helps Food Technologists to understand the components and behavior of food and nutritionists to develop healthy diets. The main aim of nutritional professionals now is to apply nutrition principles to promote health and well-being, to prevent disease and to restore health in individuals, families and community. To achieve this goal, application of various scientific principles of food and food processing is essential. This book “Food Chemistry and Nutrition: A comprehensive Treatise” presents the complete spectrum of information about these principles in a clear and accessible format. It serves as an ideal book for undergraduate/graduate students of Food Technology, Food Science and Nutrition.

This book provides information on:·     Major and minor food constituents, properties and food applications of carbohydrates, proteins & fats.·   Different interactions in food systems and various changes in foods on storage and processing.·    Nutritional functions of food and Recommended dietary allowances of nutrients.Digestion, absorption, transport and metabolism of nutrients.

Overview of Food Constituents and their Role in Food Chemistry & Nutrition, 2. Major Food Constituents – Properties and Interactions, 3. Changes in Foods During Storage and Processing, 4. Minor Food Constituents, 5. Role of Food in Human Nutrition, 6. Digestion, Absorption, Transport and Metabolism of Nutrients

About the Author:

Dr. (Mrs) S. Sumathi
has done her M.Sc and Ph.D in Biochemistry and joined as Faculty member in the Department of Foods & Nutrition, College of Home Science, ANGR Agricultural University, Hyderabad in the year 1981. She has been elevated to the post of Professor and worked as Professor & University Head of the Department of Foods and  Nutrition till 2008. Then she was transferred to the Department of Biochemistry, College of Agriculture, ANGR Agricultural University as Professor & University Head of the Department. In the long span of 32 years of her career in ANGR Agricultural University, she has been actively involved in Teaching, Research and Extension activities of the departments.

Detalles del Libro

nov. 2020

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