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Colombia in motion 2010-2013-2016: The changes in the life of households observed through the Colombian Longitudinal Survey (ELCA) by Universidad de los Andes

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There are different ways of directing the topic of project management, and this book presents one of them, which focuses on the central figure of the scheme: the manager. The manager has to lead indispensible processes for an activity that fulfills the characteristics of the project to be able to develop and reach its goals. The first three chapters cover the basic concepts of project management, followed by an explanation of the five processes,technical, administrative, financial, legal and commercial,that the manager must carry out as part of his professional activity. Finally, the last chapters analyze different topics directly related to the development of the established management scheme. We hope that this book will be useful both for teaching the concepts of project management and for professionals that wish to acquire knowledge of this discipline. The authors have broadranging experience of project management in practice and in teaching the topic.

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Publicación digital
jun. 2018

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