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10 didactic activities for intermediate english classes.

$4.633 CLP

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This book has been created for both intermediate English students and their English teachers, who will be able to find a variety of activities to complement their English classes. Although this book has been particularly designed for Intermediate English levels and academic spaces at the Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, such as Language and Communication I & II, Language Interaction and Anglophone Society I & II, and even Pedagogical Practicum and Formative Research, it can be adapted to several other levels of mastery of the language, as well as to a wide range of educational EFL (English as a Foreign Language) and ESL (English as a Second Language) settings, given the fact that the book's main aim is to provide students with the opportunity to take a prime role as the center of the leaming process of a rich experience of language in use (Krashen, 1989). Such goal can be achieved through didactic class tasks that can ignite the thirst for communicating in English in order to consolidate the concepts already learned in class and, beyond that, by letting go of any fear and anxiety to 'function' well-or 'accurately'-in English class, and sharing their own background knowledge and their own 'self' towards the construction of new ways of thinking and seeing the world that surrounds them within an educational framework.

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Publicación digital
ago. 2020

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